
Quality Alerts

Product inspection in Hangzhou during the G20 summit

Are you sourcing products in Hangzhou? If so, this article is for you. From August 24th until September 6th, China is holding the G20 summit ... Continue Reading

La inspección de producto durante la cumbre del G20
Inspection Process

Pre-shipment inspection condition: 100% finished and 80% packed

Concerning inspections, it is customary to find that some are willing to take ill-advised measures as opposed to following the suggestion of the inspection company. ... Continue Reading

AQF_La condition d'inspection avant embarquement: des produits 100% finit et 80% emballés selon le Quality Control Blog
Quality Management

Risks when reworking or replacing goods

When performing a pre-shipment inspection the non-conformities identified usually oblige the supplier to rework or replace the goods that the buyer can not accept. However ... Continue Reading

AQF_Riesgos al mejorar o remplazar mercancía según el Quality Control Blog
Quality Management

Why a supplier refuses inspection in China

In Asia and especially China, product inspections are the norm for quality control. Almost all international buyers perform an external inspection before shipping and paying ... Continue Reading

AQF - Porqué un proveedor declina una inspección en China según el Quality control blog
Quality Alerts

Culture of India: Janmashtami day

Today is the Krishna Janmashtami day, a public holiday in Hindu countries. This religious event is as important as the Chinese New Year or Christmas, ... Continue Reading

AQF_Culture of India and Bangladesh - Krishna Janmashtami day
Quality Alerts

Asia Sourcing Dangers of 2012

Asia Sourcing Danger #1: Supplier email hacking We are seeing more and more Asia sourcing professionals falling for the scam where a 3rd party hacks ... Continue Reading

Anonymous production
Inspection Process

Rushed inspections: “No, your inspection can NOT be done today!”

Rushed inspections   Recently, we have been seeing more and more clients requesting inspection.Most inspection companies claim to be able to set up inspections a ... Continue Reading

Quality Alerts

Strikes in Bangladesh

Learn about the two types of political strikes in Bangladesh: the "hartal" (political demonstrations organized by the opposition) and the labor conflict.

AQF_Bangladesh inspections delays due to a nationwide strike
Quality Management

When to do Product Inspections?

When to do Product Inspections? 95% of the inspections that I see are Pre-shipment inspections. While these are of course a useful and necessary service, this is ... Continue Reading