
Quality Management

My factory does the QC – trust the cat to keep the cream?

“My factory does the QC” is a phrase used by two types of buyers: the most experienced and the least experienced buyers. The FQC (Final ... Continue Reading

My factory does the QC for me
Inspection Process

On-site tests for vacuum cleaners inspection

Vacuum cleaners are in the news recently because of EU new regulations. Laboratory tests and product inspections help importers and manufacturers to meet the requirements. ... Continue Reading

AQF - Las pruebas para la inspección de las aspiradoras - quality control blog
Quality Management

Proactive quality control and quality assurance

The term quality control is often reduced to pre-shipment inspection for most buyers. Of course, performing even one inspection may save lots of money and ... Continue Reading

AQF - control de calidad proactivo y aseguramiento de calidad según el quality control blog
Inspection Process

What is a during production inspection for?

A wide range of inspection services are offered to the buyer in order to control the goods along the production process and before their shipment. ... Continue Reading

AQF_E¿A qué sirve una inspección durante la producción? según el Quality Control Blog
Quality Management

Supplier requirements for a factory audit based on ISO 9001

A factory audit should gather useful and comprehensive information for buyers to get to know the factory. The two main objectives are usually to check ... Continue Reading

AQF - Les exigences du fournisseur pour un audit d'usine basé sur la norme ISO 9001 selon le Quality Control Blog
Quality Management

Quality Assurance vs. Quality Control

International importers buying from Asia are often asked to assure the quality of their goods: after all, importers must legally take full responsibility for the ... Continue Reading

AQF - Garantía de calidad vs. Control de calidad según el Quality Control Blog
Inspection Process

Inspector bribery, how to avoid the red pocket?

When selecting a third party company to perform quality inspections in Asia, the recurrent questions are: how can this quality control company avoid inspector bribery? ... Continue Reading

AQF, avoid inspector bribery
Purchase Process

Why Sourcing & QC Do Not Mix

In the past, we posted the article 3 reasons why QC inspections can’t be done by your agent. While it holds true that inspections should not ... Continue Reading

conflicts of interest
Quality Management

Monitoring Quality Control Inspectors

Quality Control inspectors are the most important resource for an inspection company; therefore to have reliable service, the inspectors must have the right behavior: loyal, ... Continue Reading

Quality Management

PANTONE for Import Color Definition

Today, many buyers are importing goods from Asia with a special attention to the color specifications, especially for industries such as textile, gifts & premium ... Continue Reading