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Inspection Process

Фабрики, саботирующие инспекторов: что Вам нужно знать

Although most of the factories are habitual and generally friendly to incoming quality control agents, some of them not so visible and give it to understand different ways. Sometimes there are factories, sabotaging inspectors. Factory workers tell their clients that they do not wish to see the company’s quality control at (which is certainly a bad sign, as discussed in our last article, and our friend from Wit Company Passagemaker). Sometimes, such as with the recent client, the factory sets the rules, for example: «the factory nothing can take pictures» for any reason fictional. It happens that the factory admit inspectors and waiting inspection will begin to develop «put a spoke in the wheel.»

It has become quite common practice, when the factory inspector scolds the client after the inspection, the inspection company looked deceivers and to exonerate himself. This happens most often when, during an inspection found a large percentage of the marriage, and the inspector recommends that the customer refuse such a party.

We heard the entire collection of stories, including:

  • Inspector behaved inappropriately: requested a bribe for inspection
  • The inspector spent only half an hour in the factory and not tested samples
  • Inspector deliberately damaged products
  • Invented excuses on the theme: «The Inspector has inspected properly»

Any good inspection company, of course, takes all complaints seriously and spend more investigation, but both parties involved must be taken into account in any situation. Some customers immediately blame the inspectors when they receive a complaint from the factory, but it is obvious that the story factory should be taken skeptically. This, of course, often the same factories that supply defective products (see more in my recent article, «Why do I need to check carefully before ordering providers») and who do so without compunction or guilt. As usual, the Asian world of search providers — it is a terrible world where almost nothing can be taken at face value, but given the situation vyshenapisannoe and investigating the deeper you can get to the bottom.


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