
Quality Management

Product specifications: How to avoid misunderstandings and quality issues

Buying from China is quite a bit more complex than pointing out a few products from a supplier’s website and telling them to make the ... Continue Reading

Product specifications: How to avoid misunderstandings and quality issues by the Quality Control Blog
Quality Management

Supplier requirements for a factory audit based on ISO 9001

A factory audit should gather useful and comprehensive information for buyers to get to know the factory. The two main objectives are usually to check ... Continue Reading

AQF - Les exigences du fournisseur pour un audit d'usine basé sur la norme ISO 9001 selon le Quality Control Blog
Purchase Process

OEM and ODM Suppliers: What’s the difference?

When looking into factories, you may notice that some are listed as ODM and OEM. Both terms ODM and OEM classify factories that supply parts or ... Continue Reading