China Sourcing Information Center (CSIC): Best of August 2013

August is always a special month in which organizations such as the China Sourcing Information Center, CSIC, usually take holidays. However they have prepared for us two interesting articles!
Check out China Sourcing Information Center articles selection!
Common Mistake: Releasing funds after provision of shipping docs
The buyer commonly used the payment term: balance against shipping documents, thinking that it would protect him from being cheated. However, how can we be sure the supplier is sending the right documents, the ones related to the product shipped? Read this article.
Does the NDA protect me? Will my ideas be stolen?
China is full of opportunities to develop new product ideas. However, it is very important to protect the idea properly before talking about it to manufacturers, investors… Mike Bellamy provides us with some good tips in this article. Read the article.
And you: Do you have articles to share?