China national day holidays 2013: «Golden week»
Yesterday was celebrated the China national day (October 1st). Those are the last ones of the year! The China factories and offices are closed from October 1st to October 3rd. Some may close for a longer period: from October 1st to October 7th. It is advisable to check each suppliers’ services conditions during that period.
China national day holidays 2013
On October 1st, Chinese are celebrating the 国庆节 or guóqìng jié (in pinyin). It represents the beginning of the second golden week and the day the People Republic of China was founded (October 1st, 1949). A big ceremony is organized on the well-known Tiananmen square in Beijing.
Working conditions during China national holidays
In case someone needs to work during those days, the workers receive extra pay. Therefore all the services offered from Chinese suppliers on those days are usually quite expensive. Here is a nice article explaining how it works.
All AQF team wishes you a great golden week and look forward to talking to you again on October 4th!
And you: what are you doing while your partners and suppliers in China are on holiday?
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